Episode #29: Loving Jesus and Living with Mental Illness
Can joy and peace be experienced while battling depression and anxiety? Can we know God loves us even as we suffer? Has God abandoned or rejected me because I struggle with mental illness?
In this episode, Stacee and Doug dive into these questions and more as they share a vulnerable and authentic conversation about following Jesus while living with mental illness. God knows your mind and heart intimately - all of the good, the whole and the broken parts. He loves you with all of your pain and struggle, not just in spite of it. Stacee shares about the challenge of overcoming her past, her pain, and the ongoing impacts of mental illness to know and believe God truly loves her - even on the dark, fearful, and overwhelmingly anxious days.
God's love, joy, peace and hope are not only reserved for when your recovery is finished but are gifts of God to be experienced on the journey. The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it. (John 1:5)